Our stakeholders

The Authority is accountable to the Minister for Industrial Relations and is a regulator for the Scheme covering employers and workers.

As part of the day-to-day operations, the Authority’s stakeholders include Victorian government departments and agencies, union bodies and industry organisations representing workers and employers in the covered sectors, as well as similar portable long service benefit authorities in other Australian jurisdictions.

Employers and workers in the community services, contract cleaning and security industries are key stakeholders as it is vital that they understand their rights and obligations under the Scheme.

Over the next three years we will continue to:

  • strengthen relationships with existing stakeholders and build relationships with any new stakeholders
  • continue to raise awareness amongst all stakeholders about the Scheme, the underlying legislation and the Authority’s compliance and enforcement activities
  • provide relevant information for stakeholders to understand their rights and obligations so that they can make informed decisions.
  • develop and implement a worker targeted awareness campaign as we progress towards being ‘claims ready’.
  • embed compliance tools and programs to ensure workers’ rights and benefits have been accurately recognised and non-complying employers are held accountable.
  • actively pursue prosecutions and civil claims against non-complying employers.
