About the Portable Long Service Benefits Scheme
Employers in the community services, contract cleaning and security industries can learn how the Portable Long Service Benefits Scheme works and if they need to register.
Scheme coverage
Victorian employers in the community services, contract cleaning and security industries can find out if they are covered by the Portable Long Service Benefits Scheme.
Register your business
Community services, contract cleaning and security industry employers may need to register with the Portable Long Service Authority.
Employer obligations
Details about your obligations to your workers and legal requirements under the Scheme.
Quarterly returns
Everything you need to know about preparing and submitting quarterly returns.
Completing your quarterly returns
A step-by-step guide to completing your quarterly returns correctly.
Employer claims for reimbursement
Instructions for employers to make a claim with the Portable Long Service Authority for reimbursement of long service benefits paid directly to covered workers.
Compliance and enforcement
Information about the Authority's compliance and enforcement position and how the Authority will achieve compliance with the Act.