Quarterly return due dates
Quarter 1
31 October
For the July to September period.
Quarter 2
31 January
For the October to December period.
Quarter 3
30 April
For the January to March period.
Quarter 4
31 July
For the April to June period.
Submitting quarterly returns
Employers have two options when submitting a quarterly return in the employer portal(opens in a new window):
- Enter data directly in the portal
- Upload a spreadsheet to the portal
Uploading a spreadsheet to the portal may be easier for employers with more than 30 workers.
To complete your quarterly return, you will need details for all covered workers who worked for your business during the period, including:
- the hours they worked
- the ordinary pay they received
- any long service leave they took under another arrangement
- personal contact details (email, phone number and address).
You are also legally obligated to register new workers by adding them to your quarterly return.
If a covered worker stops working for the business, you must advise us in your quarterly return.
Once you submit your quarterly return, an invoice will be raised for your employer levy based on the details you provided.
View our quarterly return guides and instructional videos and register for our quarterly return online information sessions.
Covered workers
All covered workers (full-time, part-time, casual, apprentice or seasonal) must be included in the quarterly return, even if they only work a few hours.
Refer to the industry-specific pages for more information on worker coverage:
Worker hours
You must include all hours worked including shifts, weekend work, overtime, public holidays and workers’ compensation (WorkCover payments). This must also include hours of paid and unpaid leave, including but not strictly limited to:
- annual leave
- sick leave
- study leave
- compassionate leave
- carers leave
- parental leave
- adoption leave
- long service leave
- other paid or unpaid leave included in industrial agreements (for example, ceremonial leave, leave related to religious observance, military or local government service).
If a worker is on unpaid leave for more than 52 weeks, please contact us for advice.
Ordinary pay
Find out how to calculate ordinary pay.
Further information
Quarterly return guides and instructional videos
Step-by-step instructions for completing your quarterly return.
Quarterly returns information sessions
Online sessions to help you understand how to successfully complete your quarterly returns.
Reporting workers' compensation payments
The instructions explain how workers' compensation payments will impact what is reported in the quarterly return.