All registered employers must submit a quarterly return to the Portable Long Service Authority every 3 months, in October, January, April and July.
Quarterly returns are submitted through the employer portal(opens in a new window). Employers can also update their details, view invoices and pay their levy through the portal.
Completing your quarterly returns
A step-by-step guide to completing your quarterly returns correctly.
Quarterly return guides and instructional videos
Step-by-step instructions for completing your quarterly return.
Quarterly returns information sessions
Online sessions to help you understand how to successfully complete your quarterly returns.
Ordinary pay
The definition of 'ordinary pay' for the purposes of portable long service.
Reporting workers' compensation payments
The instructions explain how workers' compensation payments will impact what is reported in the quarterly return.
Reporting JobKeeper payments
Information for employers submitting backdated quarterly returns for the period covering JobKeeper subsidies.
Forms and resources for employers
Find forms and resources relating to the Portable Long Service Benefits Scheme for employers in the community services, contract cleaning and security industries.