Compliance and enforcement

Penalties and legal enforcement steps the Authority may take if compliance is not achieved.

Scheme compliance

Employers have had a number of years to familiarise themselves with the Portable Long Service Benefits Scheme and their obligations.

The Authority has shifted its focus from a primarily educative approach to a strategic enforcement program to increase employer compliance.

A refreshed regulatory strategy was published in June 2024 outlining our approach to compliance and enforcement.

Compliance and enforcement principles

In administering the Scheme, the Authority is guided by the following principles, ensuring high ethical standards of behaviour and decision making, and consistency of outcomes.

FairnessThe Authority will act within the Victorian Model Litigant Guidelines and the legal ethics framework for the conduct of compliance activities, including enforcement using legal action.
TransparencyThe Authority will make its compliance and enforcement positioning clear to the participants in the Scheme. Compliance matters finalised by litigation will be made public as part of being transparent.
AccountabilityDecision making in the area of compliance and enforcement will take place within a framework of rigorous corporate governance and the checks and balances that the Authority is subject to.
ProportionalityThe Authority’s compliance and enforcement responses will be proportional to the conduct creating the non-compliance and the resulting or potential harm caused.
TimelinesThe Authority will conduct compliance activities, including investigations and enforcement as efficiently as possible to avoid undue delay and uncertainty to those affected by the non-compliance, both workers and employers.
ConfidentialityThe Authority will act with confidentiality in matters under investigation and will not make public comment on matters that may or may not be under investigation.

Where a matter is in the public domain and it is in the public interest to make comment, the Registrar may make comment on a matter. No comment will be made on cases that are before the courts.

New regulatory strategy

The Authority will focus on 4 strategic areas over the next 3 years:

  1. Registration of non-complying employers: these are employers who are covered by the Scheme but remain unaware (or that are willfully refusing) to register with the Scheme.
  2. Under registration of workers: this includes all workers who are covered by the Scheme but that have not been registered by their employer or their employer has not reported on the workers full eligible service by under-recording the workers hours.
  3. Timely submission of quarterly returns: this includes employers who fail to submit, or are regularly late in submitting their quarterly returns.
  4. Prompt or non-payment of levies: there continues to be employers who fail to pay their levies or pay their levies promptly.

Offences that the Authority can prosecute



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