Requirements as an employer
If you are a covered employer under the Portable Long Service Benefits Scheme, you need to comply with your obligations under the Portable Long Service Benefits Portability Act 2018(opens in a new window) (Vic).
It is your responsibility to understand and comply with your legal obligations under the Act.
What you need to do
Register your business
Registration with the Portable Long Service Authority is compulsory for covered employers in the community services, contract cleaning and security industries.
Penalties may be imposed if you fail to register.
Employers must register within 3 months of becoming an employer in the industry.
If you have questions regarding your registration, please contact the Authority and/or obtain independent legal advice.
Apply to register(opens in a new window) with the Portable Long Service Authority.
Submit quarterly returns
It is a legislative requirement that employers submit quarterly returns to the Portable Long Service Authority. Quarterly returns are submitted through the employer portal.
These returns include information about:
- the time worked and ordinary pay received by covered workers during the period
- any long service leave taken by workers during the period
- details of covered workers who cease work during the period.
Find out more about submitting quarterly returns.
Register workers through your quarterly return
Employers are required to register their covered workers for the Scheme through their quarterly return. Each quarter you must ensure that you have included new workers in your quarterly return.
Pay your levy
Employers are required to pay a levy each quarter that’s based on the time worked and ordinary wages paid to their workers, as reported in the quarterly return.
Levy payments are payable within 14 days and can be paid by BPay and EFT. The levy is set by the Governing Board and is currently:
- 1.65% of workers’ ordinary wages for community services
- 1.80% of workers’ ordinary wages for contract cleaning and security
Keep records
Employers should keep records of their compliance with their obligations, including:
- worker details such as name and date of birth and when they began service with the employer
- the nature of the work performed by workers
- time worked and ordinary pay received by each worker
- long service benefits provided to the worker under this legislation, the Long Service Leave Act 2018, or a fair work instrument
- any other long service benefits paid or given to the worker
- the date a worker stops working for the employer.
Keep your contact details up to date
We must be advised of changes to your contact details. You can update your contact details through the employer portal(opens in a new window) or by calling us on 1800 517 158.
Further information
Compliance and enforcement
Information about the Authority's compliance and enforcement position and how the Authority will achieve compliance with the Act.
Scheme coverage
Victorian employers in the community services, contract cleaning and security industries can find out if they are covered by the Portable Long Service Benefits Scheme.