
Organisational initiatives

For the Scheme to remain sustainable long-term, and in compliance with the legislation, all employers must be registered and pay the required levy. All covered workers must also be registered and their full service history reported by their employers.

The Authority will continue to monitor the covered sectors to ensure that all covered employers and workers are registered for the Scheme. The Authority will continue to invest and build its capabilities to:

  • Further define and clarify the size of the covered employer universe and identify areas where there remains a risk of under registration of workers and employers.
  • Respond to and inform stakeholders.
  • Develop effective communication and education campaigns to ensure unregistered employers are aware of their obligations.
  • Strengthen its compliance and enforcement framework to hold employers to account and deter others who choose not to comply.
  • Develop a targeted worker awareness campaign.

All this work requires ongoing and collaborative support from the collective business units across the Authority.

Internally, the Authority is focused on evolving its baseline infrastructure to better practices and systems. This is not just contained to the operational teams but will cover all business units and see implementation of process enhancements – including any technological solutions – over the next three years.


As a self-funded entity, with responsibility for investing and administering funds on behalf of workers, the Authority’s strong financial performance and prudent organisational financial management is critical. The previous three years has seen the Authority achieve strong financial performance.

We intend to build on that in the next three years by:

  • Providing timely, useful and accurate financial information to internal and external stakeholders.
  • Supporting the financial sustainability of the Scheme.
  • Participating in the triannual levy review.
  • Developing effective investment strategies and continually reviewing.


Customer Service and Education

The Customer Service and Education team continues to prioritise quality and responsive customer service for employers and workers.

Over the next three years, the Customer Service and Education team will:

  • Review processes and systems and implement enhancements to ensure responsive and efficient action.
  • Validate employer and worker registration status – in particular worker numbers – to ensure all covered workers are registered with the Scheme.
  • Target overdue submission of quarterly returns and payment of levies to ensure all service is captured, paid and invested in anticipation for payments of claims in 2026–27.
  • Deliver further worker campaigns to ensure that all workers are aware of their entitlements and engage with the worker portal and Authority website.
  • Be ready to process covered worker claims from 1 July 2026.

Compliance and Enforcement

The Authority is transitioning its regulatory approach from an educative to a more targeted, strategic and risk-based compliance and enforcement program. It will do this by ensuring all non-complying employers are held to account for non-compliance by evolving, refining and operationalising its compliance and enforcement framework.

The initiatives include:

  • Clarity of roles and staff development under the revised regulatory approach.
  • Evaluating data to design, implement and assess targeted compliance programs, such as audits and fieldwork across the four compliance areas.
  • Scoping and implementing technological solutions to support more sophisticated compliance activities.
  • Publishing and promoting the Authority’s regulatory posture and areas of compliance focus.
  • Successful court outcomes in key strategic areas.
  • Engaging with workers to inform and contribute to achieving compliance enforcement objectives.

Whilst many of these initiatives will be led by the Compliance and Enforcement team, other teams across the Authority will also play an enabling role to support key compliance and enforcement objectives.

Research and Engagement

The team will:

  • Complete a project to identify under-registered employer sub-sectors.
  • Identify data trends to develop targeted compliance and enforcement activities.
  • Identify and develop proactive communications and engagement requirements for employers, industries and community groups.
  • Develop and publish public reports on data insights on the covered sectors.

The Legal team provides an enabling role to support the Authority, CEO / Registrar and business units achieve their overall objectives. The team will continue to do so by:

  • Resolving internal legal questions regarding the Act and the Scheme.
  • Minimising legal risk on operational initiatives.
  • Collaborating with the Compliance and Enforcement team in their compliance activities.
  • Commencing and running of legal proceedings to a successful outcome.
  • Supporting and advising the Authority through its key strategic projects, including being claims ready.


The Governance team will continue to ensure sound governance practices across the Authority and will:

  • Maintain the Authority’s risk and governance framework.
  • Facilitate the delivery of an effective strategic internal audit program.
  • Continue to strive for enhanced and best practice governance, risk and integrity practices and embedding a sound governance and risk positive culture within the Authority.
  • Support the Authority’s wider project initiatives, including through project governance and risk support.


The Secretariat will continue to support the Governing Board and its sub-committees by ensuring timely, professional agendas, packs and minutes and the prompt facilitation of actions arising.

Facilities and Information Technology

Data security is a strategic focus for the Authority. We will ensure we have secure technology and resilient systems in place to protect the Authority’s data and reduce the likelihood and impacts of cyber-attacks. This will be achieved through regular testing, implementation of IT solutions and refinements, staff training and annual business continuity simulations.

As part of the Authority’s priority to evolve baseline infrastructure and process map procedures across all business units, it is anticipated that there will be the opportunity for information technology solutions and refinements to improve external stakeholder experiences with the Authority and achieve process efficiencies internally to improve current manual hurdles for staff.

Communications and Engagement

Communications and Engagement is focused on increasing external stakeholder awareness, understanding of the Scheme and stakeholder obligations. The priorities include:

  • Conducting a major review and update of the Authority’s website, along with greater culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) and easily understood reference material.
  • Designing further reporting for external stakeholder awareness.
  • Delivering dedicated and targeted advertising and coverage-specific awareness campaigns, in particular worker campaigns.
  • Hosting and organising external information sessions and events to communicate key Scheme information.

We also play a critical role in internal communications while recognising the Authority is a great place to work, staff need to be informed and be able to contribute to the future direction of the Authority. We will support this by:

  • Developing and implementing an internal communications policy and framework.
  • Supporting and driving continual new content to the Authority’s intranet (Pulse).
  • Assisting in internal communication initiatives.

People and Culture

The Authority recognises that its people are critical. It must ensure that it is a great, safe and supportive place to work in order to succeed in meeting its objectives and fulfilling the legislative purpose.

Like many organisations, despite the many successes achieved over the last three years, the pandemic and remote working has impacted the Authority and its staff. Workplace practices have evolved and the Authority intends to strike the right balance between maintaining the benefits of remote working with the need for collaboration and in-person engagement both internally and with external stakeholders.

The Authority’s new offices in Bendigo, known as Galkangu, means the majority of the Authority’s employees will be located together. The Authority will continue to maintain a small office in Melbourne, in particular for compliance and enforcement activities.

As the Authority continues to grow, it will invest in training and ‘on-the-job’ upskilling to ensure all staff are clear on the Authority’s values, expectations and are accountable for the role they play within the organisation.

To be an employer of choice, the Authority will look to direct greater investment in diversity and inclusion of the workforce, and the Authority is actively working on a program to ensure greater diversity within its workforce, especially around staff from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
