Our Business Units

The Authority has six business units.


The Authority continues to expand its staffing profile to meet the demands of administering a growing Scheme.

Each of our business units – Finance and Claims, Operations, Legal, Governance and Secretariat, Facilities and Information Technology, Communications and Engagement and People and Culture – have worked together collaboratively throughout the 2023-24 financial year.

Organisational Structure

The Portable Long Service Authority Annual Report 2023-24: Organisational Structure (page 19).

  • Download 'Organisational Structure'

Finance and Claims

The Finance and Claims business unit is essential to our operations, with the Head of Finance holding specific responsibilities under the Financial Management Act 1994 (Vic). In 2023-24, the business unit was expanded to include a new Claims team responsible for processing and paying future claims (and current reimbursements) from employers and workers.

Through performance monitoring, responsible budgeting and a robust investment strategy, the Finance and Claims business unit ensure the entitlements of registered workers are managed effectively, supporting the overall sustainability of the Scheme.


The Operations business unit is responsible for the administration of the Scheme. This includes the Authority’s customer service contact centre, maintenance of the Authority’s employer and worker registers and supporting quarterly returns submission, processing and compliance.

Compliance activity was also supported by other business units across the Authority.

The Legal, Governance and Secretariat business unit supports the Authority and Governing Board in adhering to its legal, governance and compliance obligations under the Act and the regulatory environment of a statutory authority.

The Secretariat supports the Governing Board and its subcommittees through coordination and facilitation of timely, professional agendas, packs, minutes for meetings to meet the obligations of the Authority.

Facilities and Information Technology

The Facilities and Information Technology (IT) business unit supports the Authority’s operations by providing IT support, security, records management, and managing the external portal for employers and workers. The business unit oversees technology infrastructure, registration systems, and office leases, collaborating with other business units to enhance systems for efficiency and effectiveness.

The Project Management Office (PMO) team also sits within this business unit. The PMO is responsible for partnering with internal stakeholders to implement assigned strategic priorities.

Communications and Engagement

The Communications and Engagement business unit raises the Authority’s profile through our website, advertising and email campaigns, social media, and public relations activities to ensure employers understand their obligations and empower workers.

People and Culture

The People and Culture business unit fosters a safe and welcoming work environment to support staff growth and development. It empowers employees to thrive, driving a positive culture and ensuring a robust performance management framework.

Workforce Data

The Authority’s policies and practices align with the Victorian Commission’s public sector employment standards, adhering to VPS values.

These policies ensure fair treatment, career opportunities and the early resolution of workplace issues. The Authority also offers guidance and training to employees on avoiding conflicts of interest, managing offers of gifts and addressing misconduct.

The following table discloses the head count and full-time equivalent (FTE) of all Authority employees employed in the last full pay period in June 2024.

Table 3: Comparative workforce data

OngoingFixed Term and CasualTotal
Head countFTEHead countFTEHead countFTE
Under 25550055

The following table discloses the annualised total salary for senior employees of the Authority, categorised by classification, with salary amounts reported as the full-time annualised salary.

Table 4: Annualised total salary for executives and other senior-non-executive staff*

$160,000 - $179,9990000
$180,000 - $239,9990022
$240,000 - $259,9990000
$260,000 +1100
