Chairperson and Registrar's Report

Outlining the Chair and Registrar's summary of 2023-24 achievements and vision for the future.

Delivering a quality Portable Long Service Benefits Scheme

On behalf of the Governing Board, we are pleased to present the Authority's Annual Report for the financial year ended 30 June 2024.

In five short years since the Scheme's inception in 2019, much has changed for workers and employers alike. The Scheme’s core purpose has been to administer an effective Scheme to ensure that workers in the community services, contract cleaning and security industries can accrue long service benefits even if they change employers within their industry. Workers in these industries frequently move from one short-term position to another. Prior to the establishment of the Scheme this meant that many workers missed out on long service entitlements.

The community services, contract cleaning and security industries are important to the Victorian economy. In the past year alone, an additional 60,000 workers have been registered with the Authority, taking the total number of workers on the Authority’s register to more than 355,000. The number of employers has also grown, with more than 3,400 employers now registered with the Authority. Registration of covered employers is mandatory by law and vital to the growth and continued success of the Scheme.

The 2023-24 financial year saw the Authority continue to focus on identifying employers who have failed to register, as well as employers who have failed to include all eligible workers on their quarterly returns. We are taking new compliance and enforcement actions and enhancing communication with workers and stakeholders to assist in identification of non-compliance. We are also investing in the development and implementation of vital frameworks and infrastructure to support better systems and practices consistent with our 2023-26 Corporate Plan. This will make us more accessible and responsive to registered employers and workers.

A great deal of effort across every business unit within the organisation has contributed to the Scheme’s success in 2023-24. We would like to take this opportunity to thank staff within the Authority who have worked on the various projects consistent with the Governing Board’s outlined strategic priorities.

Our vision for the Scheme is an ambitious one and there is much work to be done as workers begin to reach eligibility for their portable long service leave entitlements.

Julius Roe
Chair, Governing Board

Joseph Yeung
Chief Executive Officer
