
Delivering a quality Portable Long Service Benefits Scheme to protect the benefits of those who are entitled to them.

About us

The Portable Long Service Benefits Authority (the Authority) is an independent statutory body established to administer the Long Service Benefits Portability Act 2018 (Vic) (the Act). The Act, together with the Long Service Benefits Portability Regulations 2019 (Vic) (Regulations) provides a Scheme for the portability of long service benefits to eligible workers in the community services, contract cleaning and security industries.

The Authority is responsible to a Governing Board appointed by the Victorian Minister for Industrial Relations.

The Authority is responsible for:

  • registering employers who employ workers in these sectors
  • maintaining a register of workers and employers for the Scheme
  • undertaking compliance and enforcement activities
  • educating employers and workers of their responsibilities and entitlements under the Scheme
  • ensuring employers under the Scheme submit a quarterly activity return and pay the appropriate levy
  • paying the appropriate benefit to workers who qualify for it

The new Scheme was created in response to the Victorian Parliament’s Economic, Education, Jobs and Skills Committee inquiry into portability of long service leave entitlements. The Scheme will enable eligible workers in the community services, contract cleaning and security industries to accrue long service benefits based on length of time employed in their respective industry, as opposed to the length of time employed by one employer. The Portable Long Service Benefits Scheme is intended to bring fairness and equity to eligible industry workplaces in Victoria.

The Victorian Government chose Bendigo as the location of the Authority as part of its commitment to invest in regional Victoria.

Business Units within the Authority

PLSA icon executive governance secretariat
The Executive, Governance, Legal and Secretariat Business Unit is responsible for establishing good governance, delivering sound legal advice to the Authority as well as facilitating the efficient and effective running of the Governing Board and Audit and Risk Committee.
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The Financial Services Business Unit underpins our organisation’s operations and the Chief Financial Officer who leads the Financial Services Business Unit has specific responsibilities under the Financial Management Act 1994 (Vic).
PLSA icon client services
The Client Service and Operations Business Unit is the largest business unit within the Authority and delivers our core Registry and Enforcement functions to the public.
PLSA icon facilities and technology
The Facilities, Information and Technology Business Unit underpins our core operations and manages key vendors which support our network infrastructure and telephony systems.
PLSA icon people and culture

Our people are our greatest asset. Without our people, we have no capability to fulfil our statutory obligations under the Act.

The People and Culture Business Unit supports the growth and development of our people and culture.

PLSA icon communications engagement

As a new scheme in Victoria, it is vital that we communicate and engage with employers and eligible workers across the covered sectors. It is equally important that as a regulator, we assist eligible employers and workers to understand their obligations under the Portable Long Service Benefits Scheme.

The Communications and Engagement Business Unit has responsibilities to deliver these core functions.

Our vision

Delivering a quality Portable Long Service Benefits Scheme to protect the benefits of those who are entitled to them.

Our purpose

Administering an effective Portable Long Service Benefits Scheme in the sectors we serve by prudent, sustainable investment and supporting all stakeholders, including employers and workers alike, as well as educate and enforce every stakeholder’s role and interest in the Scheme.

Our values

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Responsiveness We are approachable and provide timely, useful and accurate information.
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Integrity We have unbiased and honest interactions.
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Impartiality We are fair and consistent in our application of the law.
PLSA icon accountability
Accountability We fulfil our objectives in a clear, transparent and responsible manner.
PLSA icon respect
Respect We respect our stakeholders, each other and ourselves.
PLSA icon leadership
Leadership We seek to have a positive influence and to empower others.
PLSA icon human rights
Human rights We administer the law and deliver decisions, advice and policy that respect and support everyone’s human rights.
