The Ausleave Conference 2024 - video from Joseph Yeung, CEO of Portable Long Service Authority

Good morning, my name is Joseph Yeung, I'm the CEO of Victoria's Portable Long Service Authority based in Bendigo.

I'm excited to share that the Authority is hosting the Ausleave National Conference for 2024 here in our Bendigo GovHub office. I'm pleased to be hosting Chairs, CEOs, and other senior leaders from state-based portable long service leave authorities to share their knowledge and experience in providing for the financial future of millions of Australian workers.

In the past, many of these workers were not eligible for long service leave as they had moved from one employer to another whether it was in the community services sector, security sector or cleaning sector. With portable long service leave they can now accrue financial benefits no matter how many employers they have had in a specific industry over a 7-year period.

Since the PLSA began operating the Scheme in July 2019, more than 300,000 Victorian workers have registered for future portable long service leave benefits. Employers pay a small levy to the Scheme for their workers and this ensures that their workforce will receive their entitlements and have a better financial future.

There are still employers who are required to register with the PLSA. Their failure to do so is depriving workers of their right to a better financial future.

For more information on the registration process, please visit our website at The Ausleave National Conference on the 1st and 2nd of February will be a great opportunity for portable long service leave authorities to learn from each other so that our numbers can continue to grow.

Thank you.
