How to upload a quarterly return using a spreadsheet

Welcome to the Portable Long Service Authority.

This video focuses on the process of submitting a quarterly return.

Start by going to the web page at

Once on the website, see Top Tasks and Click Log in to the portal.

Click on Employer Portal.

Enter your Email address and password and press enter.

You will then see a multi factor authentication which is a two-step process. Click on the link to send a verification code to your email. You will then need to type in the code to enter the portal.

On the menu (left of screen) click on returns.

Once the window opens, click on the return you wish to submit. If this is your first return, click on the oldest return.

You will then see an option to Export/Import on the right-hand side of screen, click on this link.

On the right-hand side of this screen, click on the Export to Excel button.

The excel spreadsheet will now be downloaded to your system. You will need to locate on your computer where your downloads appear. This could be in the a few places on your system. One being in the toolbar located on your web browser that you are using, or it could appear along the bottom of your screen in tab form, or you may need to locate it in your system files under downloads.

Three tabs will appear on the base of your spreadsheet. All your current workers will appear on the first tab, new workers are added to the second tab. The third tab is a list of references used by the PLSA to assist you in filling out your returns.

Save a copy of this spreadsheet onto your computer.

Now you can add the hours and ordinary pay for each worker in columns L and M. If you need to provide comments such as “worker compensation payments, leave without pay” etc, add this in column Q.

If you need to terminate any workers, put their termination date in Column O and a termination reason in Column P. The codes to use can be found on the tab at the base of the spreadsheet under “references”.

All current workers will appear on the first tab labelled ‘contributions. If this is your first return submission, then add all your workers to the second tab on the spreadsheet labelled “new workers” and add all details under each tab. If these are new workers that commenced during the quarter you are amending, add these to the new workers tab. You will need to ensure that states are recorded in capital letters for example VIC for Victoria.

When you finished entering the data, save the spreadsheet again and then close it.

Now click on browse on the right-hand side of the screen and upload your amended spreadsheet into the portal.

If there are any validation errors a red banner will appear at the top of the screen. Please read the errors and make any corrections that are listed.

Open your spreadsheet and make any changes. Then save the spreadsheet and import the new copy onto the portal. Once you have uploaded the file, press Submit Import File.

A box may appear asking you to confirm, press OK to take you to the Return.

If the quarterly return is automatically processed, and an invoice will be sent. If you do not automatically receive an invoice, then your return will then be picked up by a PLSA staff member for review. Should there be any questions regarding your submission a staff member will contact you.
